Hugh Hendry

314 days ago

Video - Hugh Hendry: The Gravest Financial Disruption in Human Experience, buy Bitcoin

Asset manager Hugh Hendry bet heavily on the Icelandic crash way before anyone else. His macro calls can be stunning and he is highly articulate as well as contrarian and switched on. He is always worth listening too.


2424 days ago

Hugh Hendry calls it a day saying the market has got it wrong

Hugh Hendry was one of the funniest and articulate of fund managers and for a while his Eclectica funds delivered - as bears - spectacular returns. But Mr Market went against him and he has now closed up shop with his main fund worth a meagre $30.6 million. His final parting shot is a letter in which he has given up on fighting fake news. Over to the great man


3797 days ago

Hugh Hendry Mega Bear capitulates - good news or bad?

Hugh Hendry is a very smart fund manager indeed and is a bear. His returns, on that basis, over the past twelve months, have not been very good.  He has managed his risk to minimising the losses but there is no disguising the fact that he has suffered for being a bear.

And thus he has just written to those who invest in his funds saying, in a rather long winded manner, “hands up.” Indeed Hendry warns that share prices could be about to go sharply higher. That is not because they are cheap. Hendry believes that on fundamentals equities are not attractively valued. I tend to agree.
